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La Tchuisine Chu Nous
La Tchuisine Chu Nous
Oil on canvas
30x40x.75 inches

“The Kitchen at Our House”. What began as a desire to paint shapes floating in space in colors that recall the 1950s chrome kitchen set of my childhood home ... became a more representational table, chairs, and a summery day visible through the window. Can’t seem to do straight abstraction to same my life. No matter. I’m happy with the narrative herein, even if meaningful to myself and no one else. Mom’s chair dominates. Mine is back turned to the viewer. My brother’s is jammed up against the wall, its legs largely cut off. Dad’s is to the right, invisible here, but it was there. Trust me. I miss him so much. On to adding the pale grays of arborite table top and chair seats, pink backs, flecked with tiny gold specks and fine, fine gold curving lines, and the sea-foam green of the kitchen wall.
Title is - and perforce must be - in Acadian French, which is my first language.
NOTE: Submitted to a local art competition. It’s not for sale until August 1st, unless it’s juried in, then it will be available at the show. Will update availability as soon as I have word from the jury.